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Shoestring Theatre is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As a corporate sponsor, your organization will gain level benefits and your generous contribution will help to ensure Shoestring Theatre will continue to provide wonderful theatrical productions for our community.
For more information on becoming a Volunteer at the Shoestring Theatre, please contact us at:
386-228-3777 or send us an email to:
Thank you for your consideration in becoming one of our sponsors. Your contribution is vital to our continued success. Investing in the future of Shoestring Theatre will allow you to reach a wide demographic with your marketing message, while supporting wonderfully produced community theatre.
Shoestring Theatre is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. As a corporate sponsor, your organization will gain level benefits and your generous contribution will help to ensure Shoestring Theatre will continue to provide wonderful theatrical productions for our community.
Community Sponsorship Levels
Standing Ovation Sponsor - $800
⦁ Season Sponsorship Pass for two people to ALL shows.
⦁ Company name included on all show posters displayed throughout the community for the season.
⦁ Full page advertisement in all regular season programs and on lobby display for the season.
⦁ Recognition on website with direct link to your company’s website.
⦁ Featured Social Media recognition.
Break A Leg Sponsor - $500
⦁ Company name included on all show posters displayed throughout the community for the season.
⦁ Recognition on website— no direct link included.
⦁ Full page advertisement in all regular season programs for the season.
⦁ 2 mini season tickets to the performances of your choosing.
Green Room Sponsor - $350
⦁ Half-page advertisement in all regular season programs for the season.
⦁ 4 regular season tickets to the performance/s of your choosing.
Ghost Light Sponsor - $250
⦁ Quarter page advertisement in all regular season programs for the season.
⦁ Three tickets (to be used one time) at the performance of your choosing.
Stagehand Sponsor - $100 .
⦁ Business Card size advertisement in all regular season programs.
⦁ Two tickets (to be used one time) at the performance/s of your choosing.
Community Advertising Levels
Art Table - $1,000
⦁ Theatre room tables displayed with works from Volusia County student artists with company logo displayed in center as Tables Sponsor.
⦁ Company name included on Creative Arts Center programming advertisements and announcements displayed throughout the community for the season.
⦁ Admission for 2 to the Annual Creative Arts Center Season Opening Benefit Night
Green Room Sponsor - $500
⦁ Company logo displayed on Creative Arts Center’s “Artist’s Corner” Wall.
⦁ Company name included on Creative Arts Center programming advertisements and announcements displayed throughout the community for the season.
Thank you to our Community Sponsors

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